Healthwatch City of London Bulletin 13
Healthwatch City of London business plan – let us know what you think
Healthwatch City of London (HWCoL) are seeking your views on our business plan, which is a document setting out our charity’s future objectives and the strategies for achieving them.
This our first business plan covering the remaining period of our contract to run Healthwatch services for the City of London. The plan is now open for your views and thoughts, to help us identify any gaps and to refine our plan so that we are able to respond to issues identified by our community.
Our plan explains how we intend to ensure that the voices of our residents, workers and students are at the centre of decisions made about their Health and Social Care. Whilst HWCoL have a number of contractual obligations and statutory requirements to meet, we have not lost sight of our key objective – to work for the people of the City of London. The plan identifies the local issues we will be working on over the remainder of the contract period.
We want to hear your views on our plan, if you think anything is missing and if the plan resonates with you.
This listening exercise runs from Friday 2nd October 2020 until Friday 16th October 2020.
You can read the business plan and access the survey on our website
Join us for our Annual General Meeting
We will be holding our AGM on Friday 16th October between 13:00 – 15:00.
The year has been one of change and growth for Healthwatch City of London, since being awarded the contract to deliver Healthwatch services in September 2019. Find out our plans for the coming year and reporting back on an eventful year for us and, as it turned out, for the country too.
Register your interest to attend by emailing us on
On Monday Public Health England launched this year’s Stoptober as part of the overall Better Health campaign.
The campaigns aims to encourage smokers to make an attempt to quit smoking for the month of October and beyond. This ‘Stoptober’ smokers are being encouraged to put their lungs first, strengthen their immune system and breathe easier ahead of flu season by joining more than 2 million smokers who have quit since the 2012 annual campaign. Evidence shows that if a smoker can quit for 28 days, they are five times more likely to quit for good.
For help to stop smoking visit the quit smoking site
Keep up to date with the latest advice
HWCoL are constantly updating our advice and information pages. Please make sure you visit them regularly.
Get in touch with Healthwatch City of London
Visit our website for more information, news and events, have your say about your care, and spread the word about Healthwatch City of London. email:
Tel: 020 3745 9563 Facebook: Twitter: @HealthwatchCoL
Portsoken Health and Community Centre, 14-16 Little Somerset Street, London E1 8AH