As the information surrounding Corona Virus is changing and evolving, below is some basic advice to protect yourself and others and a link to where you will find the most up to date advice and information.
If you live in the Square Mile, are self-isolating and require help, please let us know by emailing the COVID-19 mailbox or by calling 020 7606 3030. Please note, you can email us on behalf of someone else (with their consent).
Dragon café in the city lauches virtual programme on Wednesday 01 April. Join here for this pilot of 'Virtual DCC', at their online Dragon Café in the City event. They have a small selection of activities for all to enjoy.
The Chief Executive, Alwen Williams, wrote to partners informing them they are well equipped to meet the challenges ahead and are putting in additional plans to care for our patients at this time.
Latest Patient information
If you need to self isolate and need an isolation note for your employer please click
The practice will not be providing sick notes.
Read the latest newsletter from Healthwatch City of London. It provides advice and information about the Corona Virus, updates about our work and volunteer recruitment.
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is encouraging people with a learning disability, their parents, carers and advocates to feedback to them about their care.