If you have a concern about the care, you or a relative or friend is receiving you should talk to the doctor who is caring for you, the nurse in charge or a member of the nursing team or the manager of the department. You can also complete the form below at: https://www.homerton.nhs.uk/patient-advice-liaison-service-pals/

However, if you would prefer to discuss your concern with someone independent of your care team then you can contact our Patient Liaison and Advice Service (PALS).

How can PALS help?

The PALS team can help to resolve queries and concerns quickly and if you are not happy with the outcome then they can advise you on PALS formal complaints process. The service is based at the main entrance of Homerton Hospital and offers a face-to-face consultation and drop-in service Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4pm. Or you can call them on 020 8510 7315.

The service aims to:

  • help resolve problems and concerns that you or your relatives or carers may have
  • provide confidential, on-the-spot advice, support and information
  • listen to your concerns, suggestions, queries and compliments to learn what we get right, what we get wrong and what could be improved
  • guide you through the different services available within the NHS.

When making contact either by telephone or letter please provide your hospital or NHS number as they can identify your details more quickly. These numbers will be found on all their correspondence to you.

The below contact details apply to both Homerton University Hospital and St Leonard’s Hospital.

Please write to:
Complaints Service
Homerton University Hospital
NHS Foundation Trust
Homerton Row
London E9 6SR

The service can also be contacted weekdays between 9.00am to 5.00pm on 020 8510 5113 except Tuesdays when the office closes at 2.30pm. You can email your complaint to the Complaints team.

The Ombudsman can be contacted on the helpline: 0345 015 4033 or via the website: www.ombudsman.org.uk

How to Make a Complaint

If you are not satisfied with your care and treatment or that of your relative or friend have received at Homerton University Hospital or St Leonard’s Hospital, please make a formal complaint.


If you need help or support to make your complaint, please visit the POhWER web site at: https://www.pohwer.net/city-of-london. POhWER delivers a range of advocacy services in the City of London including Independent Health Complaints Advocacy. To make a referral to the advocacy services in the City of London, you can download the form at: NHS Complaints Advocacy referral form 

If you would like to share your feedback about health and care services with Healthwatch City of London or are looking for local support, you can reach us via our email at: info@healthwatchcityoflondon.org.uk or via telephone: 020 3745 9563